Friday, July 15, 2005

seeing His glory

One Saturday night, a group of counselors from the camp went out on a prayer walk. I joined them, and paused along a little green pasture facing the river. Above me the stars shimmered; it was paradise. Praying to God, I asked, "Show me your glory." I've been asking that question a lot lately expecting to get an answer like Isaiah when he saw the temple filled with the train of God's robe. Instead, my answer was... "look around. See my creation? It's been here all along, you just haven't been looking hard enough. See the people you love? Through them, and their lives lived for me, you can see Me." God created the heavens and the earth. It's like a camp song I sing a lot, "God's finger prints are everywhere, just to show how much He cares." God does not need to move a mountian to show His glory. Sometimes, His glory is whispered through the little things, a tree bustling in the wind, a flower dancing in a pasture, a river of stars flowing through the void of night, or the people close to me. Indeed, God shows me His glory every day, and I can do nothing but stand in amazement and awe of him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow Jeremy. Way to go! It is so easy to expect something different when a person asks God to show us His glory, but we do forget that it is all around us. Thanks for the reminder.
